This is an Educational blog maintained by SABARISH P, (MSc Physics, MEd, NET), Assistant Professor in Physical Science Education. Contact :

Monday 4 March 2024



Prepared by
 Sabarish P
(MSc Physics, MEd, NET) 

Virtual reality is a computer based technology which gives the illusion of being immersed in a three dimensional space with the ability to interact with this 3D space. There has been an increased interest in virtual reality which has led to some exciting new developments for society as a whole. VR has extremely wide application in higher education. VR can make the artificial as realistic as, and even more realistic than, the real. Display technology will continue to improve, so VR will become ever more realistic virtually. The recent technological developments in computer hardware and software now make it feasible to look at VR as an important teaching aid. The capabilities and possibilities for VR technology may open doors to new experiences in learning.VR sometimes can be even more powerful than the real world since it allows almost anybody to feel and sense the forbidden world.VR enables learners to view, touch, hear and interact with life like objects in real time. VR provides a firsthand approach to learning without the hazards of dealing with the real environment.VR can make the artificial as realistic as, and even more realistic than, the real.



Technology can refer to material objects of use to humanity, such as machines or hardware, but it can also encompass broader themes, including systems, methods of organisation and techniques. There arrives a training technology that causes a realization that "this changes everything." Such a technology is virtual reality (VR). It has been stated that interaction in a virtual environment can be a valuable substitute for real experience(Chittaro & Ranon, 2007).VR is simply an illusory environment, engineered to give users the impression of being somewhere other than where they are. As you sit safely in your home, VR can transport you to a football game, a rock concert, a sub marine exploring the depths of the ocean, or a space station orbiting Jupiter.

What is Virtual Reality?

Virtual reality a term used to describe a 3D, computer generated environment which can be explored and interacted with by a person. That person becomes the part of the virtual world or is immersed within the environment and is able to manipulate objects or perform a series of actions.Virtual Reality is best described as an illusion of reality created by a computer system. A person enters a VR by putting on special glass and headphones attached to a computer system running the VR programme. These devices immerse the user with the sights and sounds of virtual world.

Features of Virtual Reality

1)VR allows the person to view 3D images 2) They change as the person moves around their environment which corresponds with the change in their field of vision. 3) Virtual environment is both realistic and enjoyable. 4) It provides appropriate responses. 5) It is a natural, free flowing form of interaction which will results in a memorable experience

Functions of Virtual Reality

1)To make learning fun and interesting. 2) To provide motivation.3) To retain the knowledge gained.4) To aware the performance of learners.5) To form the relationships with learners.6) To present content

Types of Virtual Reality Devices

Different types of virtual reality devices are mentioned below.

1.Head mounted displays are devices that typically look like a helmet, which have a small video screen placed at a short distance in front of eyes. 2.Gloves contain various types of sensors to allow a user to interact with the visual VR environment. The software co-ordinates the interaction of the gloved hand and visual display. Using it, a user can see objects in the virtual world and able to pick up object and place it somewhere else. 3.VR simulators are already being used in films and TV industry. It traces the body movements through small dots attached to the body suit at joint positions (wrists, ankles, elbows, face etc) of a student actor 4.Hap tics, the VR motion chair can be used with a joystick and a steering wheel and will work with any pc game. One who uses the motion chair, often have the feeling that he is in another world. 5.Video eye wares are fully adjustable, light weight and comfortable and it will also connect directly in to an iPod video.

Types of Virtual Reality Models

Actually there is numerous kind of virtual reality but most can be classified into one of the following three categories: Desktop VR, Video Mapping VR, and Immersive VR.

 Desktop VR: Desktop-based virtual reality involves displaying a 3-dimensional virtual world on a regular desktop display without use of any specialized movement-tracking equipment. It involves a traditional desktop set up in which the student explores a virtual environment using a computer, keyboard and mouse. Modern computer games are example for this type.

Video Mapping VR: It uses cameras to project an image of the user into the computer program, thus creating a 2D computer character. Although fully immersed in the environment, it is difficult to interact with the user’s surroundings.

 Immersive VR: It uses a HMD to project video directly in front of the user’s eyes, plays audio directly into the user’s ears, and can track the whereabouts of the user’s head. Then a data glove (or data suit) is used to track movements of the user’s body and then duplicate them in the virtual environment. When the user cannot distinguish between what is real and what is not, then immersive VR has succeeded.

Advantages of Virtual Reality

1).VR is more natural.2).Virtual Reality is a great social leveller; it may find a common ground across differences in age, culture, and linguistic orientation.3).People will be drawn together by similar interests instead of purely by geographic location. 4).VR is more effective and productive, and more enjoyable.5).VR provides a multi sensory experience.6).The VR world can also be used to ensure the physical safety

Applications in Higher Education

VR has extremely wide application in higher education, training and research. Flexibility provided by VR will be a major attraction to the educational community. It is easy to imagine a time when laboratories of chemistry, physics and engineering are replaced by a number of VR systems. The applications of VR includes architecture, sports, medicines, arts, entertainment and many areas of curriculum such as Maths, English, Science, History, Geography etc.


Education system has remarkable changes in recent years. Many reforms were sought, formulated, implemented, reviewed and deliberated upon. In future, it may be practical to use VR to safely fly a remote control aircraft into a hurricane or volcanic eruption to take scientific readings. It would also be applied to remote controlled submarines that explore the sea looking for oil and mineral resources or perhaps exploring other planets such as Mars & Titan. VR can’t substitute for real human contact. Nevertheless it may allow students to enjoy educational concepts in an interactive mode and may help them to move on to higher goals.


Nachimuthu , K. (2011). Virtual Reality Enhanced in Teacher Education. BRICS journal of Educational Research ,( 2011), 1(2),133-136.

Noushad Hussain. (2012) .Avatar: A New Web Based Virtual technology for Social Learning in Higher Education. University News, (2012), 50(11), 15 -23.

            Chittaro, L.,Ranon,R.(2007).Web 3D technologies in learning, education and training:Motivations, issues, opportunities. Computers & education journal,49(2),3-18.