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Wednesday 30 September 2015

Theoretical bases of teaching physical science : Unit 1 - Meaning and Nature of Science.

B.Ed. Teaching Notes

Theoretical bases of teaching physical science

Unit 1 - Meaning and Nature of Science.

Prepared by
M.Sc., M.Ed., JRF & NET
Assistant Professor in Physical Science, Arafa Institute for Teacher Education
Attur, Thrissur.

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Ø Science, its meaning, nature of science

·         Science is a cumulative and endless series of empirical observations which result in the formation of concepts and theories, with both concepts and theories being subject to modification in the light of further empirical observations. 
·         National Academy of Sciences, (1999)-  “Science is a particular way of knowing about the world.  In science, explanations are limited to those based on observations and experiments that can be substantiated by other scientists.  Explanations that cannot be based on empirical evidence are not part of science.”
·         Science is both a body of knowledge and the process of acquiring it.
·         3 Fold nature of science
Science is a body of knowledge
Science is a way of investigating
Science is a way of thinking (an attitude towards life)
Definitions of Science
·         According to Conant “Science is an interconnected series of concepts and conceptual schemes that have developed as a result of experimentation and observation and are fruitful of further experimentation and observation”.
·         Lord Bullock :-Science is a human study, deeply concerned with man and society ,providing scope for imagination and compassion as well as for observation and analysis
·         Dr.F.R.Schlessinger: - Science is a Process of the human intellect. it is a way of thinking ,a way of doing, method discovering new relationships in the physical and biological universe. It is also Product of the Process.
·         B.F Skinner: Science is first of all a set of attitudes. it is disposition to deal with facts rather than with what someone has said about them.
These definitions emphasis three basic principles of the nature of science. (3 fold nature)
Science is: - 1) An accumulated and systematized body of knowledge            
                     2) A method of enquiry
                     3) An attitude towards life

Ø Science as a Process
 The ways of gathering   information, thinking, measuring, problem solving etc are called process of science. The various processes of science can be classified into five.
  1. Collection of  data
  2. Analysis  of data
  3. Synthesis  of  data
  4. Evaluation of data
  5. Application of  generalizations  to  new  situations
   According to Dr. D.S. Kothari, “to learn science is to do science, there is no other way learning science.”   The pupils  learn to  unfold  the mysteries  of  nature  through  Process  skills  of science .  These integrated process skills are the following.
1.      Identifying  and controlling  variables
2.      Defining  operationally
3.      Forming  hypotheses
4.      Experimenting 
5.      Tabulating and graphing
6.      Interpreting  data
7.      Testing  hypotheses
8.      Drawing  conclusions
Ø Science as a  product
Whatever    information  or  ideas we acquire  through various  processes  of  science   form the  product  of  science  .  The  basic  components of the product  of  science are  terms ,facts, concepts  ,  principles , theories , laws  and  rules.

Ø Science as both Process and Product
Science is both a body of knowledge and the process of acquiring it. Both of these aspects contribute mutually for the development of Science.

Ø Differentiate between science as a product and as a process
Product aspect
Process aspect
The product of science are the facts, concepts, principles, theories and laws.
The process consists of thinking, measuring, problem solving etc.
The product is a collection of knowledge stored in books or generated in the minds of scientists
The process represent the ways of gathering this knowledge or information
Product aspect is a noun
The process aspect is more a verb than a noun.
Product aspect represents the ‘end’ of scientific pursuits.
The process aspect represents the means towards the end.

Ø Science as a method
Scientific method is the procedure adopted by scientists in their investigation
Scientific method is a systematic and orderly method of solving problems
·         Steps of Scientific Method
·      Sensing the problem
A felt difficulty. You feel the problem only when you get involved in it. Teacher should make students involve in the scientific problem
·      Defining the problem
Students define the problem in a concise definite and clear language. There should be some key words in the definition. Teacher may assist in defining
·      Collecting the data
Relevant details are collected from experts /reference books/ or from first hand experience
·      Formulation of hypothesis
Through analysis/ synthesis/ logical inference, several probable solutions (hypothesis) are arrived at.
·      Testing Hypothesis
Finding out the bearings of the hypothesis. The hypotheses are scrutinized using actual testing or logical reasoning.  If the implications agree with the observed facts, they are accepted others are rejected.
·      Confirmation and generalization through experiments.
The conclusions are subjected to rigorous and repeated tests and are generalized to wider areas.
Ø Science as an attitude
Scientific attitude is defined as open mindedness, a desire for accurate knowledge, confidence in procedure for seeking knowledge and expectation that the solution of the problem will come through the use of verified knowledge.
Characteristics of person having scientific attitude
  • Intellectual honesty.
  • Open mindedness in receiving new ideas.
  • Derives intellectual; satisfaction from scientific pursuits.
  • Is prepared to reconsider his own judgements.
  • Curiosity
  • Creative
  • Hardworking
  • Belief in cause and effect relationship.
  • Objectivity
  • Critical mindedness
  • Methodical way of solving problems
  • Freedom from superstitions.
A science teacher must have these characteristics and have to be a role model to students.

Ø Implications of Nature of Science for the Science Teacher.
Science teachers face a challenging task to inculcate the essence of the scientific enterprise among students. Students should be made familiar with scientific way of knowing and thus constructing their knowledge in science. Teacher should structure the learning experiences in such a way that the nature of science becomes an inherent part of all teaching-learning situations.
Historical aspects of the development of scientific concepts should be emphasised. It would help students to appreciate how science evolved by human endeavour and resulted in the development of various technologies. It is important to simultaneously reduce the overload of memorising facts which often cause a disinclination towards science.
Laboratory work in science, infused with the spirit of inquiry, provides students with hands-on experiences and develops a scientific attitude which is one of the important aims of teaching & learning of science.
The role of the science teacher is crucial to the development of scientific temper among students. It goes without saying that the teacher should herself be competent in the area she teaches; she must be familiar with all the aspects of the nature of science; and she must have imbibed scientific temper herself. Such a teacher can exemplify the content of scientific temper from her everyday conduct. From time to time, she can engage her students in discussions to develop scientific temper among them, and foster the values hidden in scientific method like truth, honesty and open-mindedness. She can help her students retain and sharpen further the sense of inquiry by allowing them to explore their environment and encouraging them to ask questions, even if sometimes these questions appear trivial. By her own enthusiasm for science she can transmit the excitement of doing science. During teaching- learning she can convey that science is tentative and nothing is fixed or final and the quest for progressive refinement of theories and explanations continues in which the students can participate at that time and later when they grow old.
Activities such as projects, field work, paper reading along with laboratory work and discussion would encourage students to do science. This in turn, would help them to learn the skills associated with the inquiry and processes of science such as observing, measuring, hypothesising, predicting, analysing and communicating.    

Ø Importance of Science as a school subject
Study of science has been given due place in our school education programme because of its multifarious values/ functions.
·         Values of teaching science
1      Intellectual value
                                       Study of science  provides the opportunity of developing mental faculties of reasoning , critical  thinking , reflective  thinking , imagination , memory , concentration , observation , analysis and  systematic thinking .
2      Disciplinary value
                    Learning of science trains one in scientific method and develops scientific punctuality etc. The mental power acquired by learning science will enable one to discipline oneself and thus help to be a useful member of the society.
3      Practical value or utilitarian value               
                    Science has revolutionized our ways of living. Right from the cradle to the grave all our activities are controlled and fashioned by science. We have devised labour saving gadgets and machines. Olden ways of transport on horses and camels have given way to cars, electric trains, aeroplanes etc. Agriculture has been greatly improved by use of artificial manures and pesticides. Science has a great medicinal value and has worked miracles in the field of surgery and medicine. It has restored eyes to the blind, hearing to the deaf and leg to the lame
4      Recreational value
                      Learning of science can cater to the recreational needs of individuals by offering a large number of opportunities such as movies, television, computer, audio – video equipments and musical instruments.
                       The useful and gainful hobbies related to physical science like photography , constriction of scientific toys , manufacturing tooth paste , inks , varnishes etc are not only interesting but are financially useful .
5     Moral value       
                     Science is pursuit of truth and person busy in pursuit of truth imbibes in himself the qualities of morality. Every scientific conclusion defends upon tests and actual observation and not by cheat and deceit. The idea “Truth is beauty “is always kept in view.

6      Cultural Value
Science is part of culture, and how science is done largely depends on the culture in which it is practiced. Science has played an important role in determining the culture of all societies. It has impact on our way of thinking and way of living. The cultural aspect of science should be appreciated by students.
7      Aesthetic Value
Science itself has a desire for beauty. It is in the aesthetic aspect that the whole beauty of science lies. Scientists experience an intrinsic charm in revealing the harmony of nature. To a man of science, science is an art and he himself is an artist. Cience has given us much facility to enjoy the beauty of natural and artificial phenomena and thus to experience the thrill and pleasure arising out of appreciation of beauty.
8      Social Value
Truth is what the scientific community says it is. Science is nothing more than social psychological process, constrained by scientific standards. It is up to the community to decide what science is bad and what science is good. The discoveries of Science will affect the society and vice versa. Science should be utilized for the development and wellbeing of society. Science helps one to be a useful member of society.

General aims of teaching physical science
(Expand & write according to marks)
The general aims of teaching science in schools are
1)      understanding the nature of science,
2)      skill acquisition,
3)      development of scientific attitude,
4)      training in scientific method,
5)      development of interest and appreciation towards science,
6)      helping students to adjust better with society,
7)      Developing suitable career interests.

Ø Scientific Attitude and Scientific Aptitude
Scientific attitude is defined as open mindedness, a desire for accurate knowledge, confidence in procedure for seeking knowledge and expectation that the solution of the problem will come through the use of verified knowledge.
•           Intellectual honesty
•           Open mindednessin receiving new ideas
•           Derives intellectual; satisfaction from scientific pursuits
•           Is prepared to reconsider his own judgements
Scientific aptitude is the inherent ability (in the field of science) which helps in acquiring required skills and proficiency in the field of science.
•           Have high problem solving ability
•           Have good memory and reasoning ability.
•           Have good ability for logical and abstract thinking.

·         Differentiate between scientific attitude and scientific aptitude?

Scientific attitude
Scientific aptitude
Scientific attitude is defined as open mindedness, a desire for accurate knowledge, confidence in procedure for seeking knowledge and expectation that the solution of the problem will come through the use of verified knowledge
Scientific aptitude is the inherent ability (in the field of science) which helps in acquiring required skills and proficiency in the field of science
Is a condition of mind generating emotional states
It is supposed to be an inborn ability/Capacity.
Can be created by studying science
Cannot be created. (It exists in the individual which may be perfected through science study)
Is a pre-requisite for science study
Even if there is no aptitude, you can teach science to an average level.
Scientific Attitude is the way one look at Science and behaves about it.
Scientific Aptitude is how good one is in Science and its requirements

·         Techniques for developing scientific attitude

1)      Use of Wide reading
Science Magazines, journals, recent science news, biographies of Scientists etc
2)      Use of planned Exercises
Interesting Experiments, Projects, Brain storming, Buzz session etc
3)      Proper use of Laboratory period
4)      Co-curricular activities in science
Science club, science museum, scientific hobbies, Scientific excursions, exhibitions, science fair etc
5)      Make class room atmosphere democratic so that there is freedom for expression
6)      Personal Example of Teacher.

Ø Branches of science
Science that describe the physical universe are categorized in different ways. The largest distinction in science is whether a science is pure, or theoretical, or whether it is applied, or practical. Pure science explains a phenomenon, while applied science determines how a particular phenomenon may be put to use. In general, pure science is divided into the following categories:
  • Physical sciences, which deal with matter and energy and allow us to describe the material universe in terms of weight, mass, volume, and other standard, objective measures.
  • Earth sciences, which explain the phenomena of Earth, its atmosphere, and the solar system to which it belongs.
  • Life sciences, which describe living organisms, their internal processes, and their relationship to each other and the environment.
However, these three categories of pure science have areas of overlap, where one type of phenomenon may be associated with another. For example, light (studied in physics) is the energy source behind the (chemical) process of photosynthesis, or food production, in plants (studied in biology). For this reason, distinctions between pure sciences, and even between pure and applied sciences, can blur, and a new compound science can develop. An example of this is biochemistry, in which the chemical processes of living things (such as photosynthesis) are observed and explained.
Physical sciences
Life sciences
Earth sciences
Inorganic Chemistry
Analytical Chemistry

Physical Sciences

  • Physics: The study of matter and energy and the interactions between them. Physicists study such subjects as gravity, light, and time.
  • Chemistry: The science that deals with the composition, properties, reactions, and the structure of matter.
  • Astronomy: The study of the universe beyond the Earth's atmosphere.

Earth Sciences

  • Geology: The science of the origin, history, and structure of the Earth, and the physical, chemical, and biological changes that it has experienced or is experiencing.
  • Oceanography: The exploration and study of the ocean.
  • Paleontology: The science of the forms of life that existed in prehistoric or geologic periods.
  • Meteorology: The science that deals with the atmosphere and its phenomena, such as weather and climate.

Life Sciences (Biology)

  • Botany: The study of plants.
  • Zoology: The science that covers animals and animal life.
  • Genetics: The study of heredity.
  • Medicine: The science of diagnosing, treating, and preventing illness, disease, and injury.
Ø Emergence of interdisciplinary subjects in Science
Interdisciplinarity involves the combining of two or more academic disciplines into one activity or subject. It is about creating something new by crossing boundaries, and thinking across them.
These are fields of study that cross traditional disciplinary boundaries and involve a wide variety of interactions ranging from informal groups of scholars to well-established research and teaching communities. Examples of interdisciplinary subjects are neuroscience, biochemistry, environmental science, geobiology, engineering, psycholinguistics, cultural studies, women’s studies, urban studies, Nanotechnology, Bioinformatics, Geoinformatics, ICT etc
·         Nanotechnology: Nanotechnology is science, engineering, and technology conducted at the nanoscale, which is about 1 to 100 nanometers. Nanoscience and nanotechnology are the study and application of extremely small things and can be used across all the other science fields, such as chemistry, biology, physics, materials science, and engineering.
·         Bioinformatics: It is an interdisciplinary field that develops methods and software tools for understanding biological data. As an interdisciplinary field of science, bioinformatics combines computer science, statistics, mathematics, and engineering to analyze and interpret biological data. Bioinformatics is the application of computer technology to the management of biological information. Computers are used to gather, store, analyze and integrate biological and genetic information which can then be applied to gene-based drug discovery and development.
·         Geoinformatics: It is the science and the technology which develops and uses information science infrastructure to address the problems of geography, geosciences and related branches of science and engineering. Applications of Geoinformatics includes land use management,  navigation systems, virtual globes, environmental modeling and analysis, military, transport network planning and management, agriculture, meteorology and climate change, oceanography and coupled ocean and atmosphere modelling, business location planning, architecture and archeological reconstruction, telecommunications, etc
·         ICT: Information and communications technology (ICT) is an umbrella term in cooperating many disciplines for information technology (IT). It includes the role of unified communications and the integration of telecommunications (telephone lines and wireless signals), computers as well as necessary enterprise software, middleware, storage, and audio-visual systems, which enable users to access, store, transmit, and manipulate information. The term ICT is also used to refer to the convergence of audio-visual and telephone networks with computer networks through a single cabling or link system.

India has great tradition in the field of education of pure and applied sciences. Science has been a subject of study in India from the ancient period itself. Unfortunately, most of the knowledge was lost during the medieval period. Science Education in India has been greatly accelerated after independence.
Science and science education during the British rule
            The only aim of education including that of science education was to turn out men competent to serve the civilian administration. There was less facilities for Science education and research. Even those few individuals educated in science lacked opportunities for either gainful employment or for scientific research. They could only procure clerical or teaching jobs.
            It was only in 1857 that the universities of Bombay, Calcutta and Madras, modelled after the London University, were established. Some foundations for basic sciences were expanded and academic science in the universities received an attention.
            It must be stressed that even under such adverse conditions, globally competitive scientific research was carried out by a few scientists like, C.V. Raman, M.N. Saha, S.N. Bose, D.N. Wadia, P.C. Mahalanobis, S. R. Kashyap, Birbal Sahni, S.Ramanujan, S. Chandrashekhar. Many of these were trained in India and carried out their research in Indian universities.
Science and science education in post-independence period
            After independence we realized the crucial importance of science for economic growth and social transformation. In the context of establishing modern science and technology as a live and vital force, the importance of science education cannot be forgotten. Indeed, science education plays a crucial role in the fields of scientific research and technological innovations.
Addressing the then National Institute of Sciences (now INSA), Nehru stated, “Who indeed can afford to ignore science today? At every turn, we have to seek it’s aid and the whole fabric of the world is of its making.”
Raman, one of India’s most eminent scientists said, “There is only one solution for India’s economic problems and that is science, more science and still more science.”
The important landmarks in the development of Science education in India are the following
Ø In 1953 the Secondary education commission recommended the teaching of general Science as a compulsory subject in high schools and higher secondary schools.
Ø All India Seminar on teaching of science held in 1956 made serious discussions on almost all the aspects concerning the teaching of Science in schools.
Ø Indian parliament has adopted major policy statements relating to higher education and Science & Technology development. These developments have been largely guided by the Scientific Policy Resolution of 1958. It is one of the most comprehensive science policy documents ever approved. It envisaged the cultivation of science and scientific research in all its aspects. It has helped the nation to build up an Science & Technology base.
Ø The constitutional amendment of 1976 places education including science and technology education in the concurrent list which implies the joint responsibility of the central and the state governments.
Ø The Government of India has established Ministry of Human Resource Development to function as an administrative ministry.
Ø By establishing the University Grants Commission and All India Council for Technical Education, the government tried to improve the functioning of higher education in science and technology respectively.
Ø The University Grants Commission (UGC) of India is a statutory organisation set up by the Union government in 1956, charged with coordination, determination and maintenance of standards of university education. It provides recognition to universities in India, and disburses funds to such recognized universities and colleges.
Ø UGC’s Efforts in Promoting Excellence: In recent years the UGC has launched a large number of programmes aimed at promoting excellence. These include:
Ø  autonomous colleges
Ø  faculty improvement programmes
Ø  Academic staff colleges.
Ø  centres for advanced studies
Ø  curriculum development councils
Ø  career development programmes
Ø  support for strengthening infrastructure in S&T and removal of obsolescence in the universities
Ø  Identification of universities with a potential and supporting them to become comparable with the best anywhere.
Ø  Inter-University Centres: One of the most innovative steps taken by the UGC for promoting excellence was the setting up of Inter-University Centres equipped with most modern experimental facilities or providing access to national facilities such as accelerators, nuclear reactors, etc to students and teachers from various universities. Nuclear Science Centre at Delhi, Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics at Pune and Inter-University Consortium for the Department of Atomic Energy Facilities with headquarters at Indore have already been set up and have been extremely useful.
Ø The All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) is the statutory body and a national-level council for technical education, under Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development. Established in November 1945 first as an advisory body and later on in 1987 given statutory status by an Act of Parliament, AICTE is responsible for proper planning and coordinated development of the technical education and management education system in India. The AICTE accredits postgraduate and graduate programs under specific categories at Indian institutions as per its charter.
Ø Indian parliamentary and scientific committee was set up in 1961 under the chairmanship of Sri Lal Bahadur Shastri. The committee took up the study of science education in schools.
Ø National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) established in 1961 has a separate department of science education and is giving much importance to science education. It has set up a National Centre for Computer-based Education to promote training and development of teachers and teacher-educators. The centre will eventually sustain development of school teachers with a culture of resistance to change and provide schools with IT based inexpensive learning materials in support of the curriculum.
Ø The Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) are a group of autonomous public engineering and management institutes of India. The IITs are governed by the Institutes of Technology Act, 1961 which has declared them as "institutions of national importance", and lays down their powers, duties, framework for governance etc. The Institutes of Technology Act, 1961 lists sixteen institutes located at Bhubaneswar, Chennai, Delhi, Gandhinagar, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Indore, Jodhpur, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Mandi, Mumbai, Patna, Ropar, Roorkee and Varanasi. Each IIT is an autonomous institution, linked to the others through a common IIT Council, which oversees their administration. The IITs award degrees starting from B.Tech to Ph.D.
Ø Indian Education Commission (1964-1966) recommended compulsory science education as part of general education and stressed that methods of teaching science should be modernized and that methods of teaching science should be modernized and that Science teaching should be linked with agriculture and technology.
Ø The parliament approved in 1968, the Technology Policy Resolution, which states that research and development together with Science & Technology education and training of a high order will be provided a important place. Basic research and building of the centres of excellence was encouraged.
Ø For Science education and training several institutions comprising the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT’s), Indian Institute of Science (IISc), about a dozen institutes of national importance, hundreds of universities, and over 8,000 colleges, exist. This infrastructure has already made a substantial impact on the country’s scientific, industrial and economic development.
Ø Indian Institute of Science (IISc) is a premier university for scientific research and higher education located in Bangalore, India. Established in 1909 with active support from Jamshetji Tata it is also locally known as the "Tata Institute". It acquired the status of a Deemed University in 1958. IISc is widely regarded as India's finest institution in its field, and has made significant contribution to advanced computing, space, and nuclear technologies.
Ø Some of the academic research institutions such as IISc, Bangalore; TIFR, Mumbai; IITs and a few universities such as Delhi, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Poona, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Central University, Hyderabad; and Jadavpur., have developed global reputation and attract increasingly large number of students from South East Asia, Middle East and Africa.
Ø The role of Information Technology (IT) as an instrument for progress and development has been acknowledged widely. A number of projects have been sponsored in collaboration with leading institutions like IITs, IISc, Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), Nation Council for Science and Technology (NCST), and Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS), Pilani, with its long-term objective being promoting both IT based general education and IT based education itself. IGNOU has several IT enabled courses and is further promoting this culture.
Ø One of the significant leads taken a few decades ago was People’s science movement (PSM) and education through it. The role of PSM is not only restricted to communicating and simplifying science but also to question every aspect of science-related activities, in particular issues involved and intervening wherever necessary with people’s participation.
Ø Exploratory - An Experiment in Learning by Doing Science : A unique institution called Exploratory has been developed at Pune by a few dedicated educators. Exploratory is neither a school or college laboratory nor a museum but is a place where school and college children can explore and experiment, invent and innovate and design and fabricate.
Ø Navodaya Vidyalayas: Navodaya Vidyalayas were conceived in 1986 by Rajiv Gandhi, former Prime Minister of India. The scheme aims at setting up well equipped well staffed schools in rural areas, almost one in every district to provide better quality science education to the talented children. These Navodaya Vidyalayas also serve as a resource centre and a pacesetter for the other schools in the region to follow. These Vidyalayas, 425 in number as of today, also aim at promoting excellence and removing disparities.
Ø  Advance Centres for Science and Technology (ACST): A few senior scientists and industrialists have proposed setting up advanced centres for science and technology. These are composite science and technology education and research centres. They seek to integrate education and research, science and technology, pure and industrial research. These centres will provide a 5-year integrated programme leading to either an M.Sc. or M.Tech. degree. The students will be given a common course in the first year, aimed at ensuring good grounding in physical concepts, equipping them with mathematical techniques and statistical procedures and exposing them to the current excitement in life sciences.

Ø NPE (1968)
“Science education should be an integral part of general education”
As a significant step in the history of education after independence, the Government of India announced National Policy on Education in 1968. The policy stressed the need for a radical reconstruction of the education system in the country. NPE 1968 ensures that Science education should be an integral part of general education.

Ø Ishwarbhai Patel Committee (1977)
 “Science as a tool for productive process”
In June 1977 a Review Committee under the Chairmanship of Shri Ishwarbhai J. Patel, Vice-Chancellor, Gujarat University, consisting of 30 members was appointed. The committee report considered Science as a tool for productive process.

Ø National policy on Education (1986)
“Science Education for all”
It has given much stress on science education and has recommended that science education should be designed to enable the learner to acquire problem solving and decision making kill as well as the ability to correlate science with health, agriculture, industry and other aspect of daily life. It has also been stressed that concerted effort be made to extend Science education to all those who had to remain outside the pale of formal education.

Ø NPE (1992)
Science as a subject at various levels of education”
Considering the reports of the two review committees (Ramamurthy review committee & Janardhana Reddy Committee/CABE committee) NPE 1986 was revised in 1992. It considered Science to be an essential subject at various levels of education.

Ø Yash Pal Committee (1993)
“Problem of curriculum load and science education
In order to study about the concerns regarding academic burden on students a committee headed by Prof.Yash Pal was appointed by Govt of India. The committee gave its recommendations in July 1993. The report was entitled as “Learning without Burden”. The committee recommended life oriented science topics more important than abstract science concepts.

Ø NCF 2005
NCERT has come up with three different National Curriculum Frame works during the years 1986, 2000 & 2005. This documents currently provides the frame work for making syllabus, text books and teaching practices within the school education programmes in India.
Main Features of NCF 2005
The document is divided into 5 areas
1)      Perspective
2)      Learning and Knowledge
3)      Curriculum areas, school stages and assessment
4)      School and classroom environment
5)      Systemic Reforms
Positive Features of NCF 2005
1)      Brings a fresh outlook in curriculum making
2)      Tries to breakdown the information overload in children.
3)      Focus in creativity and overall development of children.
Guiding Principles of NCF 2005
1)      Connecting Knowledge life to outside school
2)      Learning-away from rote
3)      Enriching curriculum
4)      Overall development of children
5)      Not text book centric
6)      Reduces exam stress
7)      Curriculum from the context of Universal elementary Education
Aims of Science Education
Science Education should enable the learner to
1)      Know the facts and principles of Science and its applications, consistent with the stage of cognitive development.
2)      Acquire the skills and understand the methods of science
3)      Develop a historical and developmental perspective and to view science as a social enterprise
4)      Acquire the theoretical & practical knowledge for work
5)      Relate to the environment, local as well as global issues at the interface of Science and technology.
6)      Nurture natural curiosity, aesthetic sense and creativity to science and technology
7)      Imbibe the values of science.
8)      Cultivate scientific attitude.
Features of Science Curriculum in NCF 2005
1)      Proposed child centered education
2)      Brings a fresh outlook in curriculum making
3)      Tries to breakdown the information overload in children.
4)      Focus in creativity and overall development of children.
5)      Avoid content dominated curriculum
6)      Importance to creative expressions of students.
7)      Activity based learning
8)      Utilization of ICT in Science Education
Relevant Section of NCF 2005 - Science Education as envisaged in NCF 2005
Basic Criteria of validity of Science Curriculum-NCF 2005
Science is a dynamic, expanding body of knowledge, covering ever-new domains of experience. In a progressive forward-looking society, science can play a truly liberating role, helping people escape from poverty, ignorance and superstitions.
The advances in science and technology have transformed traditional fields of work such as agriculture and industry, and led to the emergence of wholly new fields of work. People today are faced with an increasingly fast-changing world where the most important skills are flexibility, innovation and creativity. These different aspects have to be kept in mind in shaping science education.
Good science education is true to the child, true to life and true to science. This simple observation leads to the following basic criteria of validity of a science curriculum:
1) Cognitive validity: This requires that the content, process, language and pedagogical practices of the curriculum are age appropriate, and within the cognitive reach of the child.
2)  Content validity: This requires that the curriculum must convey significant and correct scientific information. Simplification of content, which is necessary for adapting the curriculum to the cognitive level of the learner, must not convey meaningless messages.
3)  Process validity: This requires that the curriculum should engage the learner in acquiring the methods and processes that lead to the generation and validation of scientific knowledge and nurture the natural curiosity and creativity of the child in science. Process validity is an important criterion since it helps the student in 'learning to learn' science.
4)  Historical validity: This requires that the science curriculum be informed by a historical perspective, enabling the learner to appreciate how the concepts of science evolve over time. It also helps the learner to view science as a social enterprise and to understand how social factors influence the development of science.
5)  Environmental validity: This requires that science be placed in the wider context of the learner's environment, local and global, enabling him/her to appreciate the issues at the interface of science, technology and society, and equipping him/her with the requisite knowledge and skills to enter the world of work.
6)  Ethical validity: This requires that the curriculum promote the values of honesty, objectivity, cooperation, and freedom from fear and prejudice, and inculcate in the learner a concern for life and preservation of the environment.
Thus according to NCF 2005 a curriculum is valid only if it has the above mentioned six validities.
The Curriculum at different Stages
NCF 2005 has clearly stated the objectives, content, pedagogy and assessment for different stages of the curriculum. They are summarised below:
At the primary stage, the child should be engaged in joyfully exploring the world around and harmonizing with it. The objectives at this stage are
1) To nurture the curiosity of the child about the world (natural environment and people),
2) To have the child engage in exploratory and hands-on activities for acquiring the basic cognitive and psychomotor skills through observation, classification, inference, etc.
3) To develop basic language skills: speaking, reading and writing not only for science but also through science.
Science and social science should be integrated as 'environmental studies' as at present, with health as an important component. Throughout the primary stage, there should be no formal periodic tests, no awarding of grades or marks, and no detention.
At the upper primary stage, the child should be engaged in learning the principles of science through familiar experiences, working with hands to design simple technological units and modules (e.g. designing and making a working model of a windmill) and continuing to learn more about the environment and health, including reproductive and sexual health, through activities and surveys.
Scientific concepts are to be arrived at mainly from activities and experiments. Science content at this stage is not to be regarded as a diluted version of secondary school science. Group activities, discussions with peers and teachers, surveys, organisation of data and their display through exhibitions, etc. in schools and the neighbourhood should be important components of pedagogy. There should be continuous as well as periodic assessment (unit tests, term-end tests). The system of 'direct' grades should be adopted. There should be no detention. Every child who attends eight years of school should be eligible to enter Class IX.
At the secondary stage, students should be engaged in learning science as a composite discipline in working with hands and tools to design more advanced technological modules than at the upper primary stage, and in activities and analyses on issues concerning the environment and health. Systematic experimentation as a tool to discover/verify theoretical principles, and working on locally significant projects involving science and technology, are to be important parts of the curriculum at this stage.
At the higher secondary stage, science should be introduced as separate disciplines, with emphasis on experiments/technology and problem solving. Students may be given the option of choosing the subjects of their interest freely, though it may not be feasible to offer all the different subjects in every school. The curriculum load should be rationalized. At this stage, the core topics of a discipline, taking into account recent advances in the field, should be identified carefully and treated with appropriate importance and depth. The tendency to cover a large number of topics of the discipline superficially should be avoided.
Outlook of Science Education-NCF 2005
Looking at the science education in India, three issues stand out clearly.
1)      Science education is still far from achieving the goal of equity mentioned in our Constitution.
2)      Science education in India develops competence, but does not encourage inventiveness and creativity.
3)      The overpowering examination system.
How to overcome these problems? (OR)
How to increase quality of Indian Science Education?
The science curriculum must be used as an instrument for achieving social change in order to reduce the divide based on economic class, gender, caste, religion and region. We must use textbooks as one of the primary instruments for equity, since for a great majority of school-going children, as also for their teachers, it is the only accessible and affordable resource for education.
We must encourage alternative textbook writing in the country within the broad guidelines laid down by the National Curriculum Framework. These textbooks should incorporate activities, observation and experimentation, and encourage an active approach to science, connecting it with the world around the child, rather than information-based learning.
Additionally, materials such as workbooks, co curricular and popular science books, and children's encyclopedia would enhance children's access to information and ideas that need not go into the textbook, loading it further, but would enrich learning At present there is a lack of such materials in regional languages.
The development of science corners and providing access to science experimentation kits and laboratories, in rural areas are also important ways of equitably provisioning for science learning.
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is an important tool for bridging social divides. ICT should be used in such a way that it becomes an opportunity equaliser by providing information, communication and computing resources in remote areas. ICT if used for connecting children and teachers with scientists working in universities and research institutions would also help the students to know clearly about scientists and their work.
For any qualitative change from the present situation, science education in India must undergo some changes.
1)      Rote learning should be discouraged.
2)      Inquiry skills should be supported and strengthened by language, design and quantitative skills.
3)      Schools should place much greater emphasis on co-curricular and extra-curricular activities aimed at improving investigative ability, inventiveness and creativity, There should be a massive expansion of such activities along the lines of the Children's Science Congress, being held successfully at present.
4)      A large-scale science and technology fair at the national level (with feeder fairs at
cluster/district/state levels) may be organised to encourage schools and teachers to participate in this movement.
5)      Examination reform should be initiated as a national mission, supported by adequate funding and high-quality human resources. The mission should bring teachers, educationists and scientists on a common platform; launch new ways of testing students that would reduce the high level of examination-related stress; reduces the multiplicity of entrance examinations; and undertake research on ways of testing multiple abilities other than formal scholastic competence.

These reforms, however, fundamentally need the overarching reform of teacher empowerment. No reform, however well motivated and well planned, can succeed unless a majority of teachers feel empowered to put it in practice. With active teacher participation, the reforms suggested above could have a cascading effect on all stages of science teaching in our schools.

Ø KCF 2007
Kerala Curriculum Framework 2007 has a significant position in Educational History of Kerala.

Three pillars of KCF
1)      Critical Pedagogy-Social dimension of constructivist, learner centered and process oriented classroom.
2)      Issue based curriculum (Issue based critical pedagogy) - sensitizes the learner on social issues and instills in them a need to react to these issues. Process of transforming the society by constructing knowledge.
3)      Social constructivism- Learning as a process of constructing knowledge in groups.
Relevant Sections of KCF 2007-Science Education
Science Education in Kerala is facing a number of challenges. We are not able to device a suitable approach for the learning of science and to accommodate latest development and trends in the field. The experiments that are given in the prevailing textbooks are not indented to make the learner discover facts and they also limit the scope for enquiry. The relevance of doing experiments and observations is either lost or undermined by the practice of giving in the textbook all the details that are to be explored. This decreases the interest of the learner and the scope for enquiry. Life around us is more complex and different than what we see in our textbooks. In fact, science education does not help in fostering the competency for analyzing and discussing possibilities for solving problems that the individual and the society face. It also fails in creating even the right attitude that is required for solving a problem. There is no scope for developing scientific awareness. Science fails to become an enabling area of study if the learner does not get access to the process of learning science such as observation, data collection, data analysis, arriving at conclusions etc. A learner, like a scientist, should get opportunities to engage in different projects and to be familiarized with the process of scientific enquiry.
Major criticisms leveled against the prevailing science education
The major criticisms leveled against the prevailing science education may include:
1)      There is a belief that the aim of science education is to transmit knowledge that has already been gathered
2)      The learning process is neither process-oriented nor learner-centred, thus the learners do not have the opportunity to engage in learning activities and construct knowledge.
3)      There is a tendency to promote rote learning of concepts in science to excel in examination.
4)      The innate curiosity and scientific temperament of the learner are yet to find space.
5)      Examination centric textbooks and learning process.
6)      Incongruence between the content, and the level of the learner.
7)      Scientific temperament and science literacy are not addressed adequately.
8)      Learning of science fails to become interesting and challenging to the learner.
9)      Construction of knowledge has not been duly recognized.
10)  Science education has yet to become life related.
11)  Mechanisms for empowering learners in the pedagogic practices are yet to be strengthened.
12)  The assessment of effectiveness of teaching science is completely neglected.

Aims of Science Education
The main aim of science education is to equip a student with a scientific mind which will enable him/her to deal with the problems logically and to take decisions. Along with these, it is necessary to take into account the interests and aptitudes of the learners while designing the curriculum.
The aims of science education include:
1)      Development of scientific temperament and its application in daily life.
2)      Engagement in scientific methods like observation, experimentation, data collection, interpretation of data, analysis, theorising, examining for construction of knowledge.
3)      Nurturing the ability to examine scientifically the problems of daily life as well as social issues and seeking logical solutions.
4)      Recognising and developing one’s own interests and abilities in technical and vocational fields.
5)      Encouraging the development of logical thinking
6)      Imbibing a humanistic outlook and developing a world view based on it.
7)      Recognising the importance of understanding historical development of ideas.
8)      Nurturing lateral thinking ability for enabling the learners to look at things from different perspectives and to seek new solutions.
9)      Developing scientific literacy that provides for building awareness of scientific process.
Changing Approaches.
The approach of science education has to be changed to achieve the aims stated above. The idea that process of learning science is as important as the content of science came to the scene. But now importance is given to the view that there are other areas to be considered apart from process and content. They are:
1)      Knowledge Domain
Every student of science ought to be aware of the latest theories and developments in the field of science. This accounts for facts, ideas, laws, the present status of learning and the correlation of science and social issues. These could be accomplished by observation and experiment, discussion, debate, project work and reference.
2)      Science Process Domain
This area helps to understand how scientists construct knowledge and how the learner can do it by himself/herself. A process could be defined as a series of steps that aim at a particular result. The ability to identify new ideas and analyze them to reach a conclusion is termed as process skills. Process skills are developed by collecting ideas and proof and by arriving at conclusions after deeper analysis.
There are certain process skills that the learner have to possess in order to engage in scientific study. They are:
• observation
• data collection and documentation
• classification
• measurement and charting
• data analysis
• engaging in experiments
• identifying variables
• questioning
• generalisation
• problem solving
• arriving at a hypothesis
• decision-making
• communication
• predicting and inferring
• handling tools
3)      Creativity Domain
The learner should be given chances to explore new paths in the acquisition of scientific knowledge. The learner should:
• develop the potential for visualization
• develop the skill to design an experiment
• correlate ideas and facts in a new manner
• find an alternative utility for materials
• find answers for problems and puzzles
• start fantasizing
• design tools and equipment
• start dreaming
• think differently
4)      Attitudinal Domain
The essential aim of science education is to create a change in attitude and develop new ideas regarding values. Even after acquiring new ideas and process skills, if there is no change in the learner's attitude towards the society, science education will have no practical meaning. Science education should try to bring in a change in aspects like attitude, values and decision-making. Therefore, science education has to take into consideration these aspects as well:
• The learner ought to develop an inclination towards scientific knowledge and science education
• He/she should develop faith in one’s ability
• He/she ought to understand and value human emotions
• He/she ought to be sympathetic to the others and their attitude
5)      Application Domain
If the learner is not able to apply the knowledge that he/she has gathered, there is no meaning in imparting science education. If the practical level of science education could not be related to life, the learner will not find it to be of any significance.
The elements of Application Domain are:
• observing science concepts in daily life.
• making use of the concepts and skills that are imbibed for solving issues related to technology.
• forming ideas about the scientific principles behind the working of tools and equipment used at home.
• making use of the process of science to solve the issues in daily life.
• developing ability to evaluate the events related to science.
• taking scientific decisions in matters of food, health and life style.
• developing an inter-disciplinary approach.
The Nature of Science and Science Education
By interacting with the society, a child develops a variety of notions about the nature of science. The personal experience of the learner through suitable learning activities provides him/her proper awareness on this. A mere learning of scientific ideas and theories will not enable the learner to understand the nature of science. Acquisition of scientific ideas will not, by themselves, develop a scientific perspective.
Experiences that facilitate this should be provided to the learner right from the beginning of his/her schooling.
At the beginning stage, the student should go through concrete experiences that help him/her get acquainted with various aspects of nature. This does not mean that the curriculum should avoid abstract ideas. A learner who goes through a proper learning experience would gradually gain processing skills and the ability to internalize abstract ideas.
A learner who possesses the spirit of enquiry should be encouraged to discuss and share his/her findings with the peer group. This will enable the learner to internalize the concrete experiences and to assimilate the abstract ideas.
Presenting scientific facts through textbooks or lectures is not a suitable method for science education. At every point during the lesson the student should feel like asking 'How do you know that is right?' It is only when such questions arise that the curriculum and the textbook and the teaching are justified.

Areas of science education that need to be evaluated
The traditional method of class tests is not sufficient to evaluate the child. All the abilities of the child should be subjected to evaluation. Multiple choice questions are not suitable to evaluate mental processing of the highest order. The following elements have to be considered while evaluating the learner:
• Learners should not be evaluated fully by the written mode of examination. Skills developed by the process of science education including the ability to do experiments should be evaluated
• The relevance of multiple choice questions in evaluating science learning has been widely criticized. They are inadequate to evaluate the higher order mental processes
• Evaluation should give importance to assessing performance in which skills of the hands and the mind are at work
• In science education, it is difficult to separate the process of evaluation from the teaching-learning process
The following areas of science education need to be evaluated:
• experiments                                                       • the process of experimentation and observation
• projects                                                             • skills that exhibit a scientific temperament
• attitude                                                              • outdoor activities
• journals                                                             • the use of library
• co-operative tests                                              • self-learning
• concept mapping                                               • drawings
• problem solving                                                  • research
• debate/group discussions.

1)      Mohan, R (1995). Innovative   science teaching for physical science. New Delhi: Prentice Hall
2)      Sharma,R.C. (1985) Modern Science Teaching. New Delhi: Dhanpat Rai & Sons.
3)      Mathew,T.K. & Mollykutty (2012) Science Education-Theoretical Bases of Teaching & Pedagogic Analysis, Chengannur: Rainbow Publications
4)      Sivarajan,K &Faziluddin,A.(2005) Science Education.  Calicut University : Central Co operative stores
5)      Das, R.C. (1985) Science teaching in schools. New Delhi: Sterling Publishers
7)      NPE Report(1968)
8)       Ishwarbhai Patel Committee Report(1977)
9)      NPE Report(1986)
10)  NPE Report(1992)
11)   Yash Pal committee Report
12) NCF Report(2005) 
13) KCF Report(2007)