Methods of Teaching Science-Demonstration
Prepared by
M.Sc., M.Ed.,
professor in Physical Science, Arafa Institute for Teacher Education
Attur, Thrissur.
The teacher performs experiments
before/after/during the class and meanwhile goes on asking relevant questions
from the class. The students are
compelled to observe carefully because they have to describe each and every
step of the experiment accurately and draw inferences. The students are questioned and
cross-questioned concerning the problem in hand and their inferences are
discussed in the class.
The pupils become active participant
in the learning process. They feel happy
and try to learn more and more as they make use of their powers of observation,
reasoning and drawing inferences are properly exercised.
This method is based on the
principle: “Truth is that which works”.
The teacher has to work out something and then and only then the
students will believe.
This method is in accordance with a principle
“From concrete to abstract.” The
students observe the demonstration critically and try to draw inferences. It is always easy for the students to
understand and remember concrete things.
method (Lecture cum Demonstration Method & Demonstration method) is
designed for two purposes:
a) To provide means of making certain parts of
the subject matter clearly by objectifying it.
b) To do the above with as much as economy as
is good for small as well as elder students.
Small children do not follow abstract ideas. They understand concrete objects. Students actually see the experiments. If the teacher is well prepared with
demonstration it has the desired effect upon the students.
Criteria of a Good Demonstration
1. The demonstration should be planned and
rehearsed will in advance.
2. The aim and purpose of the
demonstration must be clear to the teacher.
3. The demonstration should be arranged in
such a way that everything is clearly visible to all pupils.
4. Demonstration should be result of the
active participation of the pupils and the teacher.
5. The pupils should be made familiar with
each and every apparatus used for demonstration.
6. The apparatus should be arranged in a
sequence on the table. It is better to
keep the apparatus to be used on
the left hand side and used on the right hand side.
7. Demonstration should be simple.
8. Difficult points in the demonstration should
be explained before hand and should be summarised
on the black board.
9. Every demonstration should be supplemented
by various teaching aids like pictures, models,
charts, and film strips to make it effective for learning.
10. The demonstration should start by posing
a problem and the pupils should be led to solve the problem themselves, thereby they can exercise their abilities to
explain, analyse, verify and
infer. Thus they will get training in
scientific method of solving problems.
11. The teacher should maintain the interests
of the students
12. The teacher should impress upon the
students to write what they observe.
Requisites of a Good Demonstration
success of a good demonstration depends upon a number of factors. They are:
1. A good lecture-cum-demonstration room
is necessary. The demonstration table
should be visible to all studetns.
2. The apparatus to be used should be in
good working order and there should be some spare
apparatus to be used in case there is breakage of the apparatus.
3. A good blackboard for writing important
facts and drawing sketches.
4. The teacher should be well-versed in
the handling of the apparatus and should be able to undertake minor repairs on apparatus.
5. Thought provoking questions should be
asked while the demonstration is in progress.
6. Major points of the demonstration may be
written on the Blackboard before the demonstration.
7. Pupils should be told about things to
be observed and recorded before the demonstration.
8. Time should be given for recording
1. It is economical
* as
the teacher alone performs the experiment.
* Save
time, when a number of experiments are to be performed is a short time.
2. It is psychologically based because the
students are shown concrete things and confirmed facts verified practically.
3. It is very suitable when the apparatus
is very costly or very sensitive and is likely to be damaged if handled by the students eg:-Fortin’s barometer,
electric dynamo.
4. Experiments involving special type of
skills and those which are dangerous can be safely shown in the class. eg:-Reaction
of Na with water, Fountain experiments, and collection of hydrogen.
5. This method is helpful when quick
revision is required.
6. The method helps to develop scientific
attitude in pupils.
7. It makes the learning situation meaningful
and the pupils observe things in the concrete form.
8. It is a suitable method for all types
of students, ie., average, below average and above average. There is
uniformity of teaching and all learn at common pace.
1. There is no scope of ‘learning by
doing’ which is one of the important principle of learning and the students
should not get the joys of direct personal experience.
2. There is no scope of developing the
practical skills of pupils as the teacher alone performs the experiment.
3. The method does not provide for
individual differences. Slow learners
and genius are treated at the same pace.
4. The pupils are not the active
participants in the process. The teacher
has the final responsibility to manipulate and perform the experiments in any
manner he likes.
5. It does not inculcate the most needed
scientific attitude and training in scientific method.
iii) Lecture-cum-demonstration
Lectur-cum-demonstration method is
the demonstration method followed by a lecture.
Reference: Science Education by T.K.Mathew & Molykutty