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Saturday, 12 March 2016

Design of Achievement test based on learning outcomes and Revised blooms Taxonomy

Design of Achievement test based on learning outcomes and 
Revised blooms Taxonomy

(Design of the achievement test distributed in Teacher Educators Orientation program held in Calicut University Tagore Niketan)

Article by
M.Sc., M.Ed., JRF & NET
Assistant professor in Physical Science, Arafa Institute for Teacher Education,
Attur, Thrissur.

In schools (as per SCERT sources) as a part of CCE for Continious evaluation three types of assessment are being followed. They are

1. Learning Process assessment
2. Portfolio Assessment
3. Unit based assessment

They are using Achievement test mainly for Term End Evaluation only.

For getting a detailed article on Prevailing assessment approaches in schools, please go through the article entitled "Prevailing assessment approaches in  Kerala state schools" (Updating soon) in

However Achievement test design and execution is an important part of B.Ed course even though school system is demanding not such importance for it. So it is important for a student teacher and teacher educator to be familiar about Achievement test Designing and Execution. Various types of Achievement tests design are being used in B.Ed. colleges. Some of them are

1) Design based on Blooms taxonomy
2) Design based on domains proposed by NCERT
3) Design based on Revised Blooms taxonomy
4) Design based on Mental process/Thinking skills.(Derived from RBT)

The Achievement test design mentioned here is based on RBT.

Constructivistic improvement in this design is to be always encouraged and welcomed. Teacher Educators can improve this design incorporating the table of mental process/thinking skills along with the blueprint.

Click here to get this Achievement test design page 1 in pdf format

Click here to get this Achievement test design page 2 in pdf format

Click here to get this Achievement test design page 3 in pdf format

For getting a detailed description of each term/table in this Achievement test design, please go through the article entitled "Every thing about preparing Achievement test based on RBT and learning outcomes"(Updating soon) in